February 12, 2016

Beginnings and Beginnings!

Things I learned/relearned this week:

Love is the most powerful force on earth.

Although I am not a religious person, a new baby is truly a miracle. That something can grow inside you and then in a moment become the love of your life-there is nothing more amazing than that.

There is no greater honor than being able to be present when a baby is born-and when that baby is born to your baby sister-that is truly a blessing.

I always loved my brother-in-law, but to have watched him love and care for my sister in labor was truly amazing. I have been with many, many families through their labors and deliveries, but I have never seen a husband treat his wife like he did. I will always be in awe of him for the man he has become. His father would be very, very proud.

My sister is the strongest woman. She survived and thrived the "Shapiro curse" i.e. the longest most arduous labors in earth. And she shined. Truly. My new niece is one lucky lady.

Welcome to the planet Miss June. I shall love you forever and promise to be the best old aunt there ever was.

xx, Randie

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