November 13, 2016

Core de Force- With Workout Lengths!

Tomorrow 13 fine people and I are starting a test group for the new MMA style workout program, Core de Force. I have been inconsistent with my eating and exercise lately and I am so ready to dial back in. It has no weights and is heavy on the cardio...but not boring cardio! It's all in 3 minute segments (like tabata if you have ever done it) so it moves very quickly. My main concern is all he hair washing I will have to do :)

I went through and got all the lengths for the videos today. If you are anything like me, my days are scheduled to the second...especially the mornings! I need to know how long my workout will be before I set my alarm.
MMA Speed: 27 minutes
Dynamic Strength : 47 minutes
Power sculpt: 36 minutes
Active recovery: 21 minutes
Core Kinetics: 16 minutes
MMA Power: 47 minutes
MMA Plyo: 47 minutes

MMA Shred: 37 minutes
I am still trying to figure out what to do with my schedule...I may have to make Tuesdays the active recovery day. It's not ideal but that day is too crazy for me as I have a full day of work and then class until 9:20. I have a lab practical so if I need to study I won't have the hour to spare (actually more because it means coming home between work and school. If only there was an empty room in the hospital!)

If you want to join us on the next round to get shredded, comment or email me at

Happy sweating!

xx, Randie

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